Our Community. Our Kids. Our Future.
At your local Smart Start, we’ve spent more than 25 years finding the best ways to help children in Hendersonville and Henderson County succeed.
Through our long history of early childhood advocacy, we know exactly what infants, toddlers and preschoolers need to get a great start in life.
We reach more children and families than any other child-serving nonprofit in our county!
Not only do we have local expertise, we’re also part of the Smart Start Network – which includes 76 organizations that reach families in all 100 North Carolina counties.
Simply put? We’re experts in three things:
1. our community
2. early childhood
3. what kids and families right here in our community need to thrive.
Our vision: All families will have access to quality services so that children in Henderson County have an opportunity to reach their full potential.
Our mission: To support, educate, and advocate to build a strong foundation for the young children in our community.